Bystander Intervention Training
safely. stand. strong.
One in every five students are bullied, which means four out of every five are not. If even a fraction of that 80% knows how to safely and effectively speak up against bullying they witness, bullying incidents will greatly diminish. Most people are good people, including students, and the fact that someone may not speak out against a clear cruel and unwarranted targeting of another is usually because “they don’t know how.”
Healsters via CAIR-Chicago has partnered with Advancing Justice -Chicago and Hollaback! in providing an one-hour, interactive online training for school staff and students. Participants will:
understand what to look for in scenarios and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities.
learn about the types of disrespect and dangers that vulnerable communities are facing right now and throughout history — from microaggressions to violence.
Practice five strategies (5Ds) for intervention and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening so that you are confident intervening the next time you witness bullying, hate or harassment.